Centre de ressources

Retrouvez ici les rapports, les articles et les fiches d’information sur le mariage des enfants, ses causes et ses conséquences, ainsi que des ressources sur les approches l’abordant de manière efficace. Veuillez utiliser les filtres ci-dessous pour trouver des ressources en français.

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Photo: Girls Not Brides/Graham Crouch
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13 ressources correspondant à vos options de filtrage. Effacer le filtre


Child marriage in the Middle-East and North Africa

This study explores child marriage in the Middle-East and North Africa and provides recommendations on how to better address it.

Notes d'information

Aidez-nous a mettre fin aux mariages d'enfants! Retour sur le Programme mondial de l'UNICEF et du FNUAP

Des résultats préliminaires du Programme mondial pour accélérer l’action contre le mariage des enfants.  

Présentations, Séminaires en ligne

Webinar: Global Programme to Accelerate Action to End Child Marriage and Civil Society Partners

The webinar presentation outlines the UNICEF-UNFPA Global Programme on child marriage's vision, potential impact, and achievements to date.


Presentation: UNFPA-UNICEF Global Programme to Accelerate Action on Child Marriage

This presentation looks at the UNFPA-UNICEF Global Programme to Accelerate Action on Child Marriage, including its goal and vision, its strategies, its results & its partners.


Regional seminar on child marriage during democratic transition and armed conflict

This report highlights discussions from the “Regional Seminar on Child Marriage during democratic transition and armed conflicts” in the MENA region organised in October 2015.

Notes d'information

About the UNFPA-UNICEF Global Programme to Accelerate Action to End child Marriage

Background information on the UNICEF-UNFPA Global Programme to Accelerate Action to End Child Marriage.


Ending sex discrimination in the law

Looks at sex discriminatory laws around the world, including minimum age of marriage, domestic violence & rape laws, and provides contact information for those who wish to act

Articles de recherche

High stakes for young lives: examining strategies to stop child marriage

This working paper examines the social, economic and cultural factors driving child marriage and the strategies for ending child marriage.


Ending child marriage: what will it take?

A brief by Girls Not Brides USA for policy-makers, donors, and others looking to address child marriage.

Notes d'information

Ending child marriage in the Arab region

Presents latest data on child marriage in the Arab region, which includes members of the League of Arab States (stretching from Morocco to Oman). Explains how ending child marriage would…

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