Centre de ressources

Retrouvez ici les rapports, les articles et les fiches d’information sur le mariage des enfants, ses causes et ses conséquences, ainsi que des ressources sur les approches l’abordant de manière efficace. Veuillez utiliser les filtres ci-dessous pour trouver des ressources en français.

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Photo: Girls Not Brides/Graham Crouch
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21 ressources correspondant à vos options de filtrage. Effacer le filtre


Understanding and addressing child marriage. A scoping study of available academic and programmatic literature for the HER CHOICE Alliance

This study provides an in-depth look at the issue of child marriage across the Her Alliance 11 focus countries


Presentation: UNFPA-UNICEF Global Programme to Accelerate Action on Child Marriage

This presentation looks at the UNFPA-UNICEF Global Programme to Accelerate Action on Child Marriage, including its goal and vision, its strategies, its results & its partners.


A girl no more: the changing norms of child marriage in conflict

This study looks at child marriage in four different communities affected by conflict in Ethiopia, Lebanon and Uganda.

Notes d'information

About the UNFPA-UNICEF Global Programme to Accelerate Action to End child Marriage

Background information on the UNICEF-UNFPA Global Programme to Accelerate Action to End Child Marriage.


Vows of poverty. 26 countries where child marriage eclipses girls' education

CARE ranks the 26 countries where girls are more likely to be married before the age of 18 than enrolled in secondary school.


Unhappily ever after: slow and uneven progress in the fight against early marriage

"Unhappily ever after" explores how trends & prevalence of child marriage vary across regions. It provides a nuanced look at the web of disadvantages that girls at risk face.


Ending child marriage: what will it take?

A brief by Girls Not Brides USA for policy-makers, donors, and others looking to address child marriage.


Early relationships and marriage in conflict and post-conflict settings: vulnerability of youth in Uganda

The article presents factors that contribute to early relationships and informal marriages in conflict and post-conflict settings.

Articles de recherche

"Drought, drop out and early marriage: Feeling the effects of climate change in East Africa"

Highlights early marriages as a significant issue in drought and famine contexts. Names these marriages “famine marriages”, noting that they lead to girls dropping out of school and make them…


Addressing early marriage in Uganda

Summarises findings from (1) interviews and focus group discussions in the Hoima and Wakiso districts in the Western and Central regions of Uganda and (2) an analysis of data from…

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