Centre de ressources

Retrouvez ici les rapports, les articles et les fiches d’information sur le mariage des enfants, ses causes et ses conséquences, ainsi que des ressources sur les approches l’abordant de manière efficace. Veuillez utiliser les filtres ci-dessous pour trouver des ressources en français.

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Photo: Girls Not Brides/Graham Crouch
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21 ressources correspondant à vos options de filtrage. Effacer le filtre


Vows of poverty. 26 countries where child marriage eclipses girls' education

CARE ranks the 26 countries where girls are more likely to be married before the age of 18 than enrolled in secondary school.

Étude de cas

Union pour les droits corporels

Filles, Pas Epouses a créé une série d’études de cas illustrant les différentes approches adoptées par les membres pour mettre fin au mariage des enfants, telles que reflétées par la…

Rapports, Guides pratique

Child, early and forced marriage resource guide

Designed for the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), this comprehensive resource guide provides information on how staff can integrate child, early and forced marriage (CEFM) prevention and response…

Étude de cas

Union pour les droits corporels

Cette étude de cas présente le travail d'Amref qui assure l’accès des jeunes à des services de santé reproductive et sexuelle appropriés et adéquats en Tanzanie.


Ending sex discrimination in the law

Looks at sex discriminatory laws around the world, including minimum age of marriage, domestic violence & rape laws, and provides contact information for those who wish to act

Articles de recherche

No way out: child marriage and human rights abuses in Tanzania

In Tanzania, four out of ten girls are married before their eighteenth birthday. In this report, Human Rights Watch looks at the impact of child marriage

Notes d'information

Building evidence on effective programs to delay marriage and support married girls in Africa

This brief by Population Council looks at effective programmes to delay marriage and support married girls in Ethiopia.


Exploring the links: female genital mutilation/cutting and early marriage

The report explores the dynamics between FGM/C and early marriage by looking at the shared social drivers and some of the direct links between the two practices.


Protecting the girl child: Using the law to end child, early and forced marriage and related human rights violations

Provides legal research on the implementation of age of marriage laws in 18 countries and illustrates the impact of child marriage on a girl’s life through case studies.


Out of the shadows: child marriage and slavery

Outlines relevant international slavery framework to help clarify when child marriage could amount to slavery and notes gap at the international and national level in addressing child marriage as a…

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