Centre de ressources

Retrouvez ici les rapports, les articles et les fiches d’information sur le mariage des enfants, ses causes et ses conséquences, ainsi que des ressources sur les approches l’abordant de manière efficace. Veuillez utiliser les filtres ci-dessous pour trouver des ressources en français.

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Photo: Girls Not Brides/Graham Crouch
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71 ressources correspondant à vos options de filtrage. Effacer le filtre


Marry me later: Preventing child marriage and early pregnancy in India

The report looks at child marriage in India and aims to identify high potential non-profit organisations that funders should look to support and scale.

Articles de recherche

High stakes for young lives: examining strategies to stop child marriage

This working paper examines the social, economic and cultural factors driving child marriage and the strategies for ending child marriage.


Impact of conditional cash transfers on girls' education

Describes the findings from the first survey to assess the impact of a conditional cash transfer program to prevent early and forced marriage in Haryana, India.


Protecting the girl child: Using the law to end child, early and forced marriage and related human rights violations

Provides legal research on the implementation of age of marriage laws in 18 countries and illustrates the impact of child marriage on a girl’s life through case studies.

Guides pratique

Remedies for forced marriage. A handbook for lawyers

This toolkit brings together expert commentaries by lawyers and activists working on the issue of forced marriages in four countries: Bangladesh, India, Pakistan and the United Kingdom. The Handbook is…

Notes d'information

Solutions to end child marriage: summary of the evidence

Provides a summary of 5 programmatic strategies to delay or prevent child marriage identified by the International Center for Research on Women.

Notes d'information

Child marriage in South Asia: International and constitutional legal standards and jurisprudence for promoting accountability and change

Focuses on violations of women’s and girls’ reproductive rights and right to be free from sexual violence arising from child marriage in Afghanistan, Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka.…


Ending child marriage: what will it take?

A brief by Girls Not Brides USA for policy-makers, donors, and others looking to address child marriage.


Out of the shadows: child marriage and slavery

Outlines relevant international slavery framework to help clarify when child marriage could amount to slavery and notes gap at the international and national level in addressing child marriage as a…


Asia child marriage initiative: summary of research in Bangladesh, India and Nepal

Explores perceptions of different stakeholders of the causes and consequences of child marriage and the efficacy of Plan’s programming in addressing these factors.

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