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Retrouvez ici les rapports, les articles et les fiches d’information sur le mariage des enfants, ses causes et ses conséquences, ainsi que des ressources sur les approches l’abordant de manière efficace. Veuillez utiliser les filtres ci-dessous pour trouver des ressources en français.

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Photo: Girls Not Brides/Graham Crouch
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Guides pratique

Spitfire Smart Chart

Developed by Spitfire Strategies, the Smart Chart 3.0 is a tool to help non-profits make smart communications choices.

Notes d'information

Child marriage in Azerbaijan (overview)

This fact sheet provides background information and statistics on child marriage in Azerbaijan. It also makes recommendations to address the practice.


Study on the needs and priorities of ethnic minority women in the Kvemo Kartli region

Like ethnic minority women all over the world, those in Kvema Kartli region in Georgia contend with a variety of challenges including limited access to health

Produits de Filles Pas Epouses

Stratégie 2014-2016 du partenariat Filles, Pas Epouses

Elaborée suite à des consultations avec des membres, cette stratégie sur trois ans identifie les cinq objectifs que le partenariat entend atteindre d’ici 2016.


Uniones impropias, niñas madres, y embarazo en la adolescia en Costa Rica

Este reporte busca identificar posibles estrategias de acción y respuesta en apoyo a las niñas y adolescentes afectadas por el matrimonio infantil y las uniones impropias.

Notes d'information

Child marriage in Armenia (overview)

This fact sheet provides background and stastical information on child marriage in Armenia. It also makes recommendations to address the practice.

Notes d'information

Child marriage in Georgia (overview)

This fact sheet provides background information and statistics on child marriage in Georgia. It also makes recommendations to address the practice.


Experiences and accounts of pregnancy amongst adolescents

This report looks at the cultural, social and emotional factors that contribute to the high rates of teenage pregnancy in Latin America and the Caribbean.


Stop violence against girls in school: Success stories

Report of ActionAid's 'Stop Violence Against Girls in School' project from 2008 to 2013. Summarises examples of best practice emerging from the project. References child marriage and traditional practices throughout.


Why ending child marriage needs to be an education goal: The case for improved coordination between ending child marriage and girls’ education movements in West Africa

Includes chapter with a discussion on the policy disconnect between educationalists and those working to end child marriage in West Africa.

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