What counts as success in child marriage interventions? A discussion on age, agency, and measuring change that matters

Child, Early & Forced Marriage & Unions (CEFMU) and Sexuality Working Group, 2 Feb 2022, 14:00 PM GMT

The Working Group and other researchers, practitioners and advocates from around the world will convene to discuss:

- Why the age of marriage as a sole indicator for success in CEFMU interventions is insufficient and potentially misleading

- What alternatives to the age of marriage indicators can be utilized to measure progress, such as indicators that capture choice, agency and decision-making, including those related to sexuality and reproduction

- What organizations working with adolescent girls need—including from their funders—to dismantle the root causes of CEFMU, track meaningful progress and learn from their work

Interpretation will be available in English, French, Hindi and Spanish interpretation will be available.

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