8 façons de lutter contre le mariage des enfants dans les situations de conflit et de crise

Découvrez les dernières données, solutions, outils et ressources pour prévenir et lutter contre le mariage des enfants dans les situations de conflit et de crise.

Photo: Thom Pierce/Girls Not Brides

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Dans le temps qu'il faudra pour lire cet article, 124 filles de moins de 18 ans ont été mariées.

Chaque année, 12 millions de filles sont mariées avant l’âge de 18 ans.

Soit 23 filles par minute

Près d'une fille toutes les trois secondes

Sources de données

Related content

Notes d'information

CRANK Research Spotlight: Addressing child marriage and supporting married girls in conflict- and crisis-affected settings

Research Spotlight covering the latest research and evidence related to child marriage programming in conflict- and crisis-affected settings, including key takeaways, evidence gaps and ideas for further research and programming.

CRANK research meeting: Child marriage in conflict- and crisis-affected settings – Learning from the latest evidence

In this second quarterly research meeting of 2023, we will discuss recent evidence and learnings on how to address the unique aspects of implementing and evaluating interventions with refugees in conflict- and crisis-affected settings.


Evidence review: Child marriage interventions and research from 2020 to 2022

Review looking at emerging evidence on interventions to prevent and respond to child marriage and support married girls. Includes key takeaways organised by theme and recommendations for child marriage research, programming, policy and funding.

Notes d'information

Preventing conflict-related sexual violence is possible and requires urgent action

Brief exploring the links between conflict-related sexual violence and child marriage, with evidence from around the world on drivers and what works to address them, and recommendations for policy, programming, research and coordination.

Notes d'information

Research Spotlight: 'Child marriage in humanitarian settings' and 'challenging gender norms to end child marriage'

Research Spotlight covering evidence on girl-led and girl-centred research in humanitarian settings, and on challenging gender norms to end child marriage.

CRANK research meeting: Child marriage in humanitarian settings

This CRANK global research meeting was open to all. In it, we shared findings from girl-centred, girl-led research on child marriage in humanitarian settings. There was also be space for…

Child marriage and conflict & crisis

An overview of the key facts, drivers and consequences of child marriage in humanitarian contexts, and recommendations on how to prioritise girls and end the practice in times of crisis.

Notes d'information

Child marriage in humanitarian contexts

This brief summarises what we know about child marriage in humanitarian contexts and where we need to accelerate action to meet global development targets by 2030.

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