Histoires et impact

Vous trouverez ici les dernières nouvelles et histoires sur le mariage des enfants et le travail que nos organisations membres et notre Partenariat mondial font pour mettre fin à cette pratique néfaste.

Tous les articles

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Fragile states, fragile lives: Child marriage amid disaster and conflict

Zambian Government steps up efforts to end child marriage in Zambia

Forced marriage in Burundi puts young girls at risk of HIV infection

Girl Summit 2014: Girls Not Brides commits to strengthening efforts to end child marriage

Girls Not Brides UK makes recommendations to UK government ahead of Girl Summit

What is the Girl Summit?

"Maintain target to end child marriage in development goals" Girls Not Brides members urge Open Working Group

A Theory of Change on Child Marriage – Girls Not Brides

Preventing & ending child, early and forced marriage - Girls Not Brides statement at Human Rights Council

Ending child, early and forced marriage and the post-2015 development agenda: The Open Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals

Nip not the buds: Child brides in Nepal

New OHCHR report on child, early and forced marriage

Nigeria: Making schools safe for girls - Day of the African Child

Why is girls’ education key to ending child marriage? - Day of the African Child 2014

5 reasons why ending child marriage and improving education for girls must go hand-in-hand

Two sisters, two different paths: Early marriage in Ghana

“We could not protect her, so we had to marry her”: Child marriage and Syrian refugees

Early marriage and female genital cutting in Ethiopia: Exploring the links

  • Nell Williams, Nell Williams

African Union launches its first-ever campaign to end child marriage

President Jimmy Carter calls for action to end child marriage in latest book

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