Sierra Leone : adoption d'un projet de loi historique visant à mettre fin au mariage des enfants

Le Parlement de la Sierra Leone a approuvé le projet de loi 2024 sur l'interdiction du mariage des enfants.

Dans le temps qu'il faudra pour lire cet article, 41 filles de moins de 18 ans ont été mariées.

Chaque année, 12 millions de filles sont mariées avant l’âge de 18 ans.

Soit 23 filles par minute

Près d'une fille toutes les trois secondes

Sources de données

  • [1] 2019 Human Rights Council Resolution on child early and forced marriage

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Sierra Leone

Région: Sub-Saharan Africa

Rapports, Notes d'information

The impact of the law on child marriage and girls' rights

A review of the evidence on the impact of age of marriage and sexual consent laws, presented as a brief and longer report. The brief draws on insights from Girls Not Brides member organisations to highlight key considerations for our work, to ensure the best outcomes for girls, in all their diversity.

CRANK Research Meeting: Learning from the latest evidence on child marriage prevention laws and their implications – Considering context, challenges and opportunities

Research meeting looking at new evidence on the impact of laws on child marriage and girls’ rights. This includes exploring the latest findings from evidence reviews – with key implications for research, programme and policy – contextual case studies examining the implications of laws, the challenges, opportunities and promising practices.

The impact of age of marriage and sexual consent laws on child marriage and girls’ rights

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