Centre de ressources

Retrouvez ici les rapports, les articles et les fiches d’information sur le mariage des enfants, ses causes et ses conséquences, ainsi que des ressources sur les approches l’abordant de manière efficace. Veuillez utiliser les filtres ci-dessous pour trouver des ressources en français.

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Photo: Girls Not Brides/Graham Crouch
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Guides pratique

Faith leaders toolkit on ending early marriage and female genital mutilation/cutting in Ethiopia and Nigeria

These toolkits and facilitator manuals aims to support Ethiopian and Nigerian religious leaders to address child marriage and female genital mutilation/ cutting.


Early relationships and marriage in conflict and post-conflict settings: vulnerability of youth in Uganda

The article presents factors that contribute to early relationships and informal marriages in conflict and post-conflict settings.


A girl's right to say no to marriage: Working to end child marriage and keep girls in school

Focusing on the importance of education in preventing child marriage, the report describes barriers preventing girls from obtaining an education and the steps needed to tackle the issue. Calls on…


End Child Marriage Australia: Research report on the forced marriage of children in Australia

This report evaluates the current responses of service providers to child victims of forced marriage in Australia.

Notes d'information

Ending child marriage in the Arab region

Presents latest data on child marriage in the Arab region, which includes members of the League of Arab States (stretching from Morocco to Oman). Explains how ending child marriage would…


Ending child marriage: How elevating the status of girls advances U.S foreign policy objectives

Looks at the scope and causes of child marriage, what it means for U.S foreign policy and ways the U.S might tackle child marriage through policy. Emphasises that “child marriage…

Articles de recherche

Adolescence lost: the realities of child marriage

Gives a brief outline of some of the consequences of child marriage which include violence and increased risk of HIV infection. Gives an example of a programme in Ethiopia which…


Out of the shadows: child marriage and slavery

Outlines relevant international slavery framework to help clarify when child marriage could amount to slavery and notes gap at the international and national level in addressing child marriage as a…


Untying the knot: exploring early marriage in fragile states

Emphasises that there has been a failure to recognise the role of fragility as a major driver of early marriage and looks at how marriage is considered a form of…

Articles de recherche

Early marriage, marital relations and intimate partner violence in Ethiopia 

The article compares outcomes among girls married during different stages of adolescence, based on a population survey conducted in 2009-2010 in seven Ethiopian regions.

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