Histoires et impact

Vous trouverez ici les dernières nouvelles et histoires sur le mariage des enfants et le travail que nos organisations membres et notre Partenariat mondial font pour mettre fin à cette pratique néfaste.

Tous les articles

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The roving shelters: improving girls’ lives in post-earthquake Nepal

Zambia adopts national strategy to end child marriage by 2030

Nigeria: “If a girl is 15 years old and she is not married, people will start complaining”

Fear of female sexuality: addressing an unspoken driver of early and child marriage

Mozambique: how Salmina avoided marriage with help from a local chief

Mozambique’s national strategy on child marriage: a ray of hope for girls

  • Albino Francisco, Persilia Muianga

Press release: Mozambique launches national strategy to end child marriage

A window into the future: involving boys to end child marriage

How one organisation is mobilising parliamentarians to end child marriage worldwide

Parliamentarians from 13 countries in South Asia vow to end child marriage

Update: Nepal holds Girl Summit on Ending Child Marriage

The Nepal Girl Summit must lead to real change, says Human Rights Watch

Nepal: “I do not want to get married before completing my education”

Interview: the women campaigning to end child marriage in the United States

  • Fraidy Reiss, Jeanne Smoot

U.S. releases Global Strategy to Empower Adolescent Girls

Ending child marriage in South Asia: a regional action plan

  • Melissa Upreti

L’UNICEF et l’UNFPA lancent une nouvelle initiative pour mettre fin aux mariages d’enfants

How can the media do its part to end child marriage?

  • Maryam Mohsin

Walk the talk: Somalian activist calls for action on child marriage

Ghana launches African Union campaign to end child marriage

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