Histoires et impact

Vous trouverez ici les dernières nouvelles et histoires sur le mariage des enfants et le travail que nos organisations membres et notre Partenariat mondial font pour mettre fin à cette pratique néfaste.

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La campagne de l’Union africaine pour mettre fin au mariage des enfants : Quelle sera la prochaine étape ? Les membres de Filles, Pas Epouses s'expriment

  • Françoise Kpeglo Moudouthe

Seeking your final input on the draft strategy!

Education in Afghanistan: Breaking traditional barriers

British legal loophole continues to sanction child marriage

Are economic incentives enough to prevent child marriage? Findings from Haryana, India

Tostan’s community-empowerment training: A Q&A with participant Charles Banda from Youth Net and Counselling (YONECO), Malawi

Happy International Day of the Girl Child 2016!

Celebrating change makers: Kriti Bharti, founder of The Saarthi Trust, India

Leading a new generation: A 'Good Brothers Club' supporting change for girls and their country

Celebrating change-makers: Hon. Jessie Majome, Member of Parliament, Zimbabwe

It does happen “here”: forced and child marriage in the United States

Afghan activist Sonita Alizadeh named Girls Not Brides champion to end child marriage

L’union fait la force ! Retour sur cinq ans d’avancées vers la fin du mariage des enfants

PRESS RELEASE: Progress made to end child marriage over the last 5 years, must be matched by action, says new report from Girls Not Brides

What role can parliamentarians play in ending child marriage?

Meet Nepal’s child brides and grooms

6 facts you need to know about child marriage in Nepal

Indonesia: the young brides of West Sulawesi

Call for stories: looking for change makers working to end child marriage

Over 200 people feedback on Girls Not Brides’ next strategy to end child marriage

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